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Zoe-Blue Coates |

Zoë-Blue Coates is a Afro-American and Afro-Caribbean woman. She was born in Toronto and now lives on the unsurrendered Lekwungen and WSANEC territories. She is pursuing an undergraduate degree at the University of Victoria in History and Indigenous studies. How the public learns about History is her main area of study. Currently, Zoë-Blue works as the site and education assistant at the Compost Education Centre. The centre teaches all ages about the importance of soil health. Besides this role, Zoë-Blue has created BioDiversity. BioDiversity is a zine that teaches all ages about the history of selected Black and Indigenous ecological stewards. These people have worked in the industries of soil health, environmental activism, plant knowledge and more.

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We will be talking biodiversity and stewardship with Zoe-Blue from the Compost Ed Center in a new video coming soon about what it means to be an ecological steward, and highlighting BIPOC stewards from around the world. Focusing in on the local context, we will be inviting you to join us in thinking about the importance of local biodiversity and food systems by considering an ecological steward in your community and creating a profile about them! 


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After watching the video we encourage you to consider who might be an ecological steward in your life and tell us about them! Maybe it’s your Grandma, your neighbour, a Teacher, or someone who runs a community garden you visit. Now that you've learnt about ecological stewards, we hand the reigns over to you. Use these questions as a guide to write a small description of your subject, then draw your subject or a plant that you feel helps you understand your ecosystem. The subject you choose can be as famous, or not so famous. It's up to you!


1. Who is your ecological steward?

2. What does this person do that is connected to ecological stewardship?

3. What are some of their key beliefs?

4. What is a plant or animal that they like to work with?

5. Why are they important to you or your community?

If you answer any of these questions about someone you consider an ecological steward, we would love to hear about it!


You can create your own profile similar to the zine, or submit your answers here!

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CRFAIR supports the development of this network by hosting its communication tools, generating funding for coordination of network activities, and coordinating the Good Food Summit. 

CRFAIR and the Good Food Network promote healthy and sustainable food systems.  This considers our relationships with each other, and the land and waters of this region.  We endeavour to honour the land and its treaties by strengthening our relationship and responsibilities to them. We live and work on unceded Coast Salish Territories*, specifically of the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees) and Xwsepsum (Esquimalt) Nations here in the core area, the W̱SÁNEĆ Nations {W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), SȾÁUTW̱,(Tsawout) W̱SIKEM (Tseycum)} out on the Saanich Peninsula and Gulf Islands, to the west Sc'ianew (Beecher Bay), T’Sou-ke, and Pacheedaht, and MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) and Pune’laxutth’ (Penelekut) Nations.

©2019 by The Good Food Network. Proudly created with

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