day 1| dec 3rd| 6:30pm
Savoury Stories: Food is Connection
Thursday, December 3 | 6:00 pm Film & 7:00pm panel session

Join us for an evening screening of Savoury Stories, this year’s edition Food is Connection. Come with us into the kitchens, and gardens of our community, to hear the stories of the relational nature of food. Prepare to go on a journey through the mosaic of diverse cultures, connections, histories, and relationships that food, and the land it comes, from weave in our communities. Following this screening, we will be joined by a diverse panel of local leaders in the food movement for a discussion on some of the key themes brought to light in this film.

Creative Director |
Jumana Risheq

Storyteller |
Tom Kral
Nature's Chef & Wild Food
Storyteller |
Earl Claxton Jr.
Respected SȾÁUTW̱ elder, plant knowledge keeper and community historian.
Storytellers |
Ariel Reyes Antuan & Jess Reyes Barton
Ariel Reyes Antuan; Co-founder of Iye Creative & Palenke Greens, Entrepreneur, Community Organizer
Jess Reyes Barton; Co-founder of Iye Creative "Mama Iye", Co-founder Palenke Greens, Anthropologist
Jared Qwustenuxun Williams
Cowichan Elders Chef, Traditional foods advisor and educator
Asiyah Robinson
Community Organizer, Member of Iye Creative, Youth Engagement Mobilizer
Tiffany Joseph
ŚW̱,ȻENEṈITEL (Doing Good Work Together) Indigenous foods initiative
Hannah Maia Roessler, M.A, P.Ag.
Educator, consultant, and life-long learner.
Filmmaker, Photographer & Editor|
Emily Robertson
Filmmaker, Photographer and editor of Food Is Connection.
2020 good food summit sponsors
We want to thank our generous sponsors for whom without the 2020 Good Food Summit would not be possible.
