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The Good Food Network is a large community of people that believe in and are working towards a healthy and sustainable regional food system. You can either sign up as an individual, or as an organization.
When you sign up to become a network member, whether as an individual or organization, you are agreeing to the Good Food 2025 Resolution.
The Good Food Resolution:
To enable all residents in the region to have the food knowledge, skills and ability to make informed choices about their foods.
To grow the local food economy to provide more of our foods closer to home, promoting economic, social and environmental health.
To celebrate food as a vital part of all cultures, and ensure that Indigenous foods are honoured with access to traditional ways of hunting, gathering and fishing by Indigenous peoples.
To increase the number of people who are food secure and accessing adequate healthy food.
You are signing up as an individual. By becoming a member, you will:
Be signed up to our 'Around the Network Monthly Newsletter'
You are signing up on behalf of your organization. By becoming a member, your organization will:
Be signed up to our 'Around the Network Monthly Newsletter'
Access workshops, training and resources for food-system organizations
Access discounts for network events such as the Good Food Gathering
Be added to the Good Food Network Map
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